We've set our dates. A lot of work goes into just getting ready to leave San Francisco International Airport for the long journey to south Vietnam. Once there, we'll be in Can Tho for two weeks and perform about 40 surgeries during that time. In the 2013 mission trip, we evaluated about 80 patients and performed surgical procedures on 40 of those patients, with multiple procedures on some patients.
As we prepare, the medical pros will gather needed supplies, from big to small. Our wish list of supplies ranges from specialized surgical equipment to items as seemingly simple as sutures, blades, and casting materials. We provide all supplies related to the patient care, including medications, crutches, and splints.
All supplies are donated or purchased from donations. Most of what we don't use in patient procedures, we donate to the hospital to help provide supplies that are harder to obtain in Vietnam.
On the medical side we have surgeons, nurses, surgical staff, physical and speech therapists, and podiatry residents. On the support side, we're a smaller crew, and come from a range of backgrounds (high tech, film-making). Regardless, we all have a common passion for making a difference in a significant way.
The more we have, the more good we can do. See the instructions at the right -->
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